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When handling data in your repository, you may need to override specific functions based on the source of the data. Here are the guidelines for overriding these functions:

Handling Data from an API

If the record is an array or iterable (e.g., data received from an API call), override the following functions in your repository:

  • Override getGridData for Data Retrieval:

    public function getGridData(array $filters = []): ?iterable
        return null;
  • Override applyFilterData for Custom Data Filtering:

    public function applyFilterData(Collection $data, array $filters): Collection
        // Implement custom filtering logic here

Handling Data from a Database

If the record is populated from a database table (e.g., data received by an SQL query), override the following functions in your repository:

  • Override getGridQuery for Query Building:

    public function getGridQuery(): ?Builder
        return null;
  • Override applyFilterQuery for Custom Query Filtering:

    public function applyFilterQuery(Builder $query, array $filters): Builder
        // Implement custom filtering logic here

These overrides allow you to customize how data is retrieved and filtered, whether it comes from an API or a database, providing greater flexibility in handling different data sources.

Developed By ❤️ Taki Elias